Hello Newgrounds pplz.. it is my 22nd birthday.
This past year I have been cooking. @SlickRamen has been helping me make the ULTIMATE VIDEO GAME. I've been mostly focusing on art/animation since finishing the initial prototype. Slick has been absolutely cooking as well and has overhauled a lot of my dookie code I wrote while baked. He's added tons of new features and has been carrying almost the entirety of the game's programming for months.
(the mockup where I draw all the games assets that has a bajillion layers)
I'm also doing most of the music for the game. I'd love feedback on my work in progress EP. The production is kinda ass rn but it's p groovy besides that. I'll share music from the game when we have a proper announcement lined up.
also here r some pet portraits I did for christmas
I even did some DIY t-shirts of my ICONIC monkey mascot.
Anyways.. hopefully next year I actually learn how to skateboard. I'm gonna go buy a bass at guitar center rn for my birthday. Finally I will be able to write some groovy ass basslines..